SPR-4123: Strategic and Tactical Guidance for the Connected and Autonomous Vehcicle Future

SPR-4123: Strategic and Tactical Guidance for the Connected and Autonomous Vehcicle Future

  • Principal Investigator: Satish Ukkusuri, Purdue University
  • Sponsor: INDOT
  • Duration: 01/2017-06/2018

​Automated vehicle (AV) and Connected vehicle (CV) technologies are rapidly maturing and the timeline for their wider deployment is currently uncertain. The objectives of this research are: (1) Synthesize the existing state of practice and how other state agencies are addressing the pending transition to AV/CV environment; (2) Estimate the impacts of AV/CV environment within the context of (i) traffic operations – impact of headway distribution and traffic signal coordination; (ii) Traffic control devices and (iii) roadway safety in terms of intersection crashes and (3) provide a strategic roadmap for INDOT in preparing for and responding to potential issues.