SPR 4711

SPR 4711

  • Principal Investigator: Satish Ukkusuri, Purdue University
  • Co-Principal Investigator: Konstantina (Nadia) Gkritza, Purdue University
  • Sponsor: Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
  • Duration: 11/2023-11/2024

Project Description:

This main objective of this project is to develop accessibility and equity measures for Indiana that will be visualized for different regions, time periods, and socioeconomic groups of Indiana. This is achieved by the analysis and modeling of high-resolution spatiotemporal data pertaining to travelers, land use, transportation infrastructure, and economic opportunities. Based on the analysis, we have prepared an equity assessment for the state based on preliminary work of the research team. This project also leverages past and ongoing efforts on developing appropriate accessibility and environmental justice (EJ) metrics (statewide as well as for select cities) based on publicly available data and tools. Finally, a dashboard mapping tool is prepared to identify doubly disadvantaged regions of Indiana for planning and investment. These measures will help fill the gaps in one of the four core focus areas of the USDOT Equity Action Plan – ‘Expanding Access’.


The Indiana Transportation Equity Atlas (ITEA) is an interactive dashboard built in Tableau™.